In what the paper describes, somewhat over grandiosely, as ‘a top level business seminar’ councillors, business leaders, tourist chiefs (whatever and whomsover they might be) and David Curry MP spent a morning cocooned in the opulent splendour (sic) of the Spa Hotel discussing Ripon’s future.
Seizing the opportunity presented by the opening of Booths supermarket this summer appears

to be the message they are promulgating. Well, Harbinger would like to know exactly what opportunity this might be, other than for Mr Booth himself to make a great deal of money at the expense of existing traders. Unless we are careful we will all, inevitably find ourselves shopping there, because many of the shops we know and love will not be equipped to compete and will close.
‘Ripon must tidy itself up’ so said former Business Woman of the Year
Judith Donovan; how right you are Judith! So who is going to talk to the likes of W.H. Smiths and get them to do something about the disgraceful state of their premises and who is going to compel Mr Michael Hutchinson (right) to clean up the premises he owns in the town and allows to fall into disrepair?
Yes, it’s all well and good holding ‘top level’ seminars but what action will we see?
This guy has done more to hold Ripon back than any other.
I think there are a few vying for that title Dick.
Hutchinson is a leech. A wealthy one but a leech nonetheless.
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