Monday, 30 March 2009

'Chance For Ripon To Shine' Squeaks the Gazette.

In what the paper describes, somewhat over grandiosely, as ‘a top level business seminar’ councillors, business leaders, tourist chiefs (whatever and whomsover they might be) and David Curry MP spent a morning cocooned in the opulent splendour (sic) of the Spa Hotel discussing Ripon’s future.
Seizing the opportunity presented by the opening of Booths supermarket this summer appears to be the message they are promulgating. Well, Harbinger would like to know exactly what opportunity this might be, other than for Mr Booth himself to make a great deal of money at the expense of existing traders. Unless we are careful we will all, inevitably find ourselves shopping there, because many of the shops we know and love will not be equipped to compete and will close.

‘Ripon must tidy itself up’ so said former Business Woman of the Year Judith Donovan; how right you are Judith! So who is going to talk to the likes of W.H. Smiths and get them to do something about the disgraceful state of their premises and who is going to compel Mr Michael Hutchinson (right) to clean up the premises he owns in the town and allows to fall into disrepair?

Yes, it’s all well and good holding ‘top level’ seminars but what action will we see?

Saturday, 28 March 2009

Yoof (addendum)

Hawke and I'Anson the 'brains'
behind Matrix under 18s night Ripon’s sticky floored Matrix was once again the venue for an under 18s club night last night. The ‘brainchild’ of Mayor Sid Hawke and ‘fully supported’ by night club owner Chris I’Anson (well it would be wouldn’t it?) these evenings have been hailed by the pair as ‘a great success’..…Really! And exactly what criteria are they using to gauge this success?
Once again last night the police control unit was parked in the market square and by 7.30pm there was a disproportionately large police presence outside the club including a police car, a police van, eight or ten police officers and judging by the hysterical shrieking of 'you can fuck off, You can FUCK OFF' a young lady was about to be taken into Her Majesty's care for the remainder of the evening. Who knows what had brought her to this emotional state but it may be, of course that someone was cheating during the 'Pass the Parcel'.
We see no reason why the already stretched tax payer should have to foot the bill in order to boost the profits at Mr I’Anson’s tacky establishment, nor do we see why children as young as 13 years of age should be exposed to the appalling language and behaviour that takes place with depressing regularity both inside and outside the club.
And here's the scene at 7.30pm:

Daniel Hannan Speech

Here's something a little less parochial: this is one of the most devastating speeches I've had the pleasure of watching since the heady days of William Haig's leadership of the Tory party.

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Winpenny wins over shortsighted council

So, a row has broken out about the cabmen’s shelter in the market square. David winpenny, chairman of Ripon Civic Society has apparently had the thing listed; well good for him. “Because it is now a listed building it has more protection and the council is legally obliged to take care of it properly." He said.
It seems however that the council in their usual shortsighted way would rather do the job on the cheap (no surprise there!). Councillor Jeremy Banyard said it was a pity the civic society hadn’t worked with the council over the issue. What he means of course is it’s a pity they hadn’t toed the council line!

Monday, 2 March 2009


“There’s nothing to do; I’m bored”. Such has been the mantra of the teenager since God was in short trousers, and as likely as not the response would be: “Well get out from under my feet and find something to do.” No longer it seems. We are now expected not only to find things for other people’s offspring to do, but to pay for it into the bargain.
The night club in our town was turned over to teenagers in the early part of last evening (nothing new there, the latter part of the evening is always turned over to teenagers) though they were prevented from drinking alcohol on the premises. I imagine it was a scheme to give their livers a rest since weekend evenings usually end for many of them either in the back of a police van having given their best mate’s head a kicking for looking at their girlfriend, or semi-conscious in a pool of vomit and urine in a shop doorway.
Anyway, the first I knew of this event was when we went into town for an early evening drink and found the place teeming with police; there was even a mobile incident unit in the market square! What the hell sort of a message are we sending to these kids – you’re all so big and dangerous we need the riot squad to control you? They are still children; if they misbehave then give them a talking to, call their parents to come and get them, ban them from future events but do NOT aggrandise their silly behaviour by laying on a madly disproportionate police presence.The police tell us that they will not monitor community events such as local parades, sporting events etc. for lack of funding, and yet they will squader vast amounts of tax payers money policing a children’s party!


So, the south side of the market place is finally and grudgingly clear of cars; one wonders how long it will last before the cretins in charge find an excuse to allow them back? No doubt the rationale (if you can term it such) will be: well, it’s just a waste of space when what we need is parking space. OF COURSE WE NEED PARKING SPACE….BUILD A FUCKING CAR PARK!
A market place such as ours could be used so well, for so many things including, dare I say – a market. It should be a meeting place for the community, a place to sit and talk, children to play, have a coffee, perhaps a drink. Licence the area and police it as they do on the continent and indeed in many places in the U.K. The council’s obsession with cars and supermarkets has, and continues to be the primary ruination of this town.

This is what we should be aiming for:People sit outside for coffee and drinks all over the world; not just in the warmer climes - Copenhagen, Paris, Berlin, even Moscow. All we need is the courage to make the change and make the most of what we have. Let's get rid of the cars and the trucks and the bloody taxis and make room for people.