It's an evening so hot that the obelisk has begun to melt. Warm, sunny day follows warm sunny day and the cretins allow the market place, OUR market place, Ripon's best feature (the cathedral has overly religious connotations and no parking!) to remain empty. No cafes, no bars, no fun. Dumb asses!
Fizz Gone from Cam’s Champagne
8 years ago
They haven't spotted that they could make money out of it.
Absolutely scandalous.A totally wasted opportunity to tempt another 40 or so cars of passing tourists to spend their brass in our strugglig local shops.And they wonder why Ripon is developing into a ghost town!
Obelisk looks jelly.
This area is an open stage for a whole manner of events. What about starting a petition to the City Council or the new Mayor - he looks like a man of action (not) but then this is perhaps indicative of why OUR Market Place stands empty and deserted.
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