'But' I hear you say, 'He has a kind and gentle face, surely he's a nice man who simply got in with the wrong crowd?' Well, He certainly did that:
In October 1983, Brons was leading a group of NF supporters handing out leaflets in Leeds city centre who were heard shouting slogans including "white power" and "death to Jews". When a police officer asked the group to disperse, Brons called him an "inferior being".
Oh! and should you have missed his picture in the press, here's a picture of his boss, the contemptible BNP leader Nick Griffin MEP; surrounded by some of his pals. Big aren't they - we wonder why!
These people are disgusting
bunch of wankers!!
It makes you feel guilty just being from yorkshire.
Brown has a lot to answer for
And Still he stays on
they are a bunch of gangsters.
Sorry to be ever so earnest but if you want to make your feelings known nationally re bnp go to www.hopenothate.org.uk where you can sign a petition against the bnp over the net
In Reply to Anon: Thank you for your comment but though I find the ideas of the BNP repulsive, I have no desire to stop them voicing them.
I agree, the bnp do have a right to voice their opinion. The site I recommended does not have the authority of banning the bnp's voice, but just voices the nations contempt for the bnp and the fact that our major three parties have let this happen
I'll take a gander at the site!
Har binger
yer loverly
Anon....You too are sweet and delicious x x Hmmm
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