Friday, 17 April 2009

Market Square Madness

What a delight it is to see our lovely Ripon market place used, as it should be, for a market. The visiting continental market has used the space wonderfully and Riponians are wandering about enjoying the space at last. The market square could be used every day for all sorts of events and markets; sadly however this is unlikely to last as the cretins will soon have it tarmaced over and the cars all over it once again. "Get out of the way, we don't want you people here, this is a car park."


David said...

Couldn't agree more. I went to the market this lunchtime and sampled the Paella in the sunshine - could have done with a glass of wine with it! Great to see the place buzzing.

Anonymous said...

It's brilliant. Get the bloody cars off our square......R.J.

Anonymous said...

Aw he haw haw I theenk eet is nice here een Reepon I theenk I weell move here, there ees no competitition, I sheet that edwin booth.

Anonymous said...

We should pedestrianise the whole of the market area and the road down to the cathedral.

Dick said...

I think it would be possible to clear the whole area of traffic including the area round the cathedral. This would make a great place for people to visit, walk around and use the shops.

Harbinger said...

Perhaps you should all write to your council to that effect; though we suspect it may take some time to get a reply!

Anonymous said...

Don't expect any support for a pedestrian zone from St Bernard, even though he may be the retiring North Yorkshire County Councillor for this part of Ripon.
St Bernard recently told some Kirkgate people that his travel business lost 30% turnover when Kirkgate was pedestrianised.
At that time his business was at 24 Kirkgate (now 'Dishes') near to the cathedral. He (and his wife) moved their business premises to 5 Kirkgate, next to the Ripon Gazette office, so his advertising material is now visible to passing vehicle traffic that is driving from the Market Place and down Duck Hill.
If the Market Place is not supplying a stream of vehicles past his shop, how would people know about his travel firm?

Anonymous said...

Thanks to my anonymous friend for the above comment. This has spurred me into launching my own blog which I hope may add to Harbinger's incisive observations.

Anonymous said...

Bloody French making our weekly Asian market look tatty.
They will be taking business away from the Supermarkets next. Shouldn't be allowed, let well alone. Bloody foreigners coming over here and giving us a bit of class, who do they think they are upsetting our lovely organised city. Ripon for Riponians and sod the Europeans and their funny money.