Every year a saviour comes to Ripon on a white horse. He comes to save our souls and his name is St Wilfrid – or it might just be Bomber! It can only be a month or so before another blessed saviour comes to town on his white charger this time allegedly to save our city from the economic quagmire; it is of course Edwin J Booth – though he may just come in his Bentley!
How he is going to pull off this remarkable feat we cannot say. Suffice it to say there are many members of our councils, both parish and borough, who are utterly confident that this is the case.
Booths supermarkets' target group is the middle class shopper - the kind of people who drink wine regularly, people who at present, use the local butchers and delicatessen. Booths have clearly demonstrated by their actions that they care not one iota for the future of their trading neighbours in Ripon and for those traders the future looks bleak indeed.
Fizz Gone from Cam’s Champagne
8 years ago