It might be thought by some of you that Harbinger is a bit of a fuddy-duddy, a bit of a stick in the mud, a spoilsport, a curmudgeon. So just to prove you wrong here I am enjoying a weekend of chavdom and fun at the fair. And what a weekend it is – I’ve rarely seen such accurate spitting, the groping of chavettes has been exemplary and the streets now have a non-stick coating of gum (so much safer for the infirm). So, let’s hear it for the council who’ve brought us this treat once again Hip hip……………
It was like that in Tom Crudds day and always will be, its Ripon don't you know. One of Tom Crudds well known sayings was, Yo bros, les get bevvied and puke on da waltzahs
Is it usual for the fair to be packing itself away at 8pm on the Monday these days?
Great to see you out and about Harb. Get some candy floss on me!
Not much traffic, all parked in the Cathedral multi storey I suppose.
Where's your baseball cap?
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