The PUN is intended to make a valuable, if satirical, contribution to the political life of Ripon – to encourage lively and irreverent debate. As editor I have chosen to publish via the internet and there (for the time being) it should remain. Mr Stanley Mackintosh has chosen to appropriate my writings and use them to his own political ends by publishing them in his window and to ignore a request to remove them. Until such time as they are removed I have reluctantly decided to take the PUN out of circulation.
I regret to say that I have been forced to change the access settings for comments; it is now necessary to go through moderation. I am not in favour of censorship but when an individual uses this space as a soapbox to further promote his political views then as administrator it is time to take action. Mr Mackintosh it seems is hell bent on consigning the PUN to history and it may well be his only success of the year.
I regret to say that I have been forced to change the access settings for comments; it is now necessary to go through moderation. I am not in favour of censorship but when an individual uses this space as a soapbox to further promote his political views then as administrator it is time to take action. Mr Mackintosh it seems is hell bent on consigning the PUN to history and it may well be his only success of the year.
We finaly get an amusing comentary on Ripon life and someone f***s it up. Well done McIntosh
Dear Harbinger,
One would have thought that given the low turnout at local election time, and what an enormous difference a few votes can make to a candidate, Mr Mackintosh would be only too keen to canvas the support of readers of a web site such as yours; particularly in the light of the increasing readership you appear to enjoy.
Of course on the bright side Mr Mackintosh will fade into obscurity once more come 4th June.
I’ve hugely enjoyed reading your site and hope you are up and running again soon........Is that the returning officer I hear?
He's trying to make sure you don't take the piss out of him!
The thing is, that he is so thick he doesn't realise he is making himself look a bigger dick than we already thing he is. Come on Stanley play the game!!!
I was going to read his flyer that he put through my letter box this morning now its straight into the fire,shot himself in the foot there then. I suggest that as many people are made aware of his obstinanacy and encouraged not to vote for him.
It's a brilliant post. I don't mind being the subject of such intelligent and witty satire. I am happy to discuss things with Harbinger if he/she would just contact me.
Meanwhile, the St Bernard -v- Mad Mackintosh reprint stays in my window. Most Ripon people didn't know about the Pun. I think it is great and I'm happy to take my chances of being criticized - fairly or unfairly.
Mad Mackintosh
Anon should read the flyer before he bins it. It's not in Harbinger's lead, but it doesn't take many prisoners. Not surprising that the champ might want to smother comment.
(not in Harbinger's league)
you've put the final nail in your political coffin Mackintosh. X x
Stop spamming this site, Stan.
Let's face it guys - Stanley has stitched us to the ceiling. Best get this post pulled off before he puts it in his window.
Mackintosh. Take the stuff down and THEN contact Harbinger. As it is you've just lost yourself any slim chance of success. Think about it.
You can here the collective sigh of relief from Ripon councillors. They must be cheering Stan in the town hall today.
Im not planning to vote for stan and espically not bernard, but surley being rude is not a very appropriate way to get your opinions across, and is a bit childish, calling people thick and a dick is really going to make me value your opions. That last bit was sarcasm by the way. us all a favour and get yourself a life!!
Mad Mackintosh.....No vote
"Please vote for me I'll be any party you want me to be"
Mackintosh, never heard of you before but this travesty prompted me to go to your blog. What an arch bullshitter you are. Ripons losing it but if they elect you they've lost it.
Bernard's election machine will roll over Stan and squash him like a fly.....Go Bernard GO!
Mackintosh's Rolo (ver) by Bernard sweet conclusion.
Well Mac,
You say you dont mind being the subject of wit and satire.
By displaying The Pun extract in your window you are also informing the electorate what a 'cheap shot' power seeker you are, you sad man. I assume and indeed hope that on post election resumption Harbinger and The Pun will take appropriate retribution. We therefore have some interesting blogging to look forward to. Why wait for the election Harbinger? Find a friendly window for readers reaction.
The Kirkgate Copyright Conspiracy!
Stanley's shot himself in the foot; ha haa
There is something fundamentaly wrong with mackintosh. we should pitty him.
Pity his ex wife and estranged daughter,says a lot about the mans character. If he wants to play dirty, thats what he gets back.
Harbinger, Newcomers to the blog will be wondering what the comments are all about. Dont forget you are International now. You should restore the St Bernard v Mad Mac clip and give some indication when normal service will be resumed.
As a salesman one of the first things you learn is NOT to denigrate the opposition, it tends to make you look bad. Well Mackintosh looks pretty bad now.
I've just had one of Mackintosh's leaflets shoved through my door in the Crescent. You can be assured we will not be voting for him and we will pass the word around.
Yes I was really pissed off when someone mentioned me in the same letter as the Mad Mr Mackintosh in the Gazeete this week.
I have no ulterior motive except to publisise the utter failure of our council to develop Ripon one iota. Maybe its because I use big words that confuses them...
I bet he didnt comment on the outgoing Mayor standing in full regalia swilling beer on the marketplace during the flypast while some poor lacky held a brolly over him. Thats whats wrong with Ripon.
The Bard of AshBank.
Anyone notice the incoming Major looks like the weird dummy on the credits of Star Trek ?
Isn't he more of a horse's arse?
C'mon Harb, bring back the pun. You know you want to!
Many thanks for all your comments. Keep them coming and we'll wind this thing back up again.
Is it possible for him to look even more of an ass?
For whom are you the harbinger of doom?
Has he put this post in his window? I very VERY much doubt it!!!
I wouldn't be surprised if he does put it in his window.....He's mad enough!
I may be Stanley Mackintosh and I wish to apologise for ruining all your fun
No I may be Stanley Mackintosh and I apologise for being such a self-centered prick
No ! I'm Stanley Mackintosh and I ------
How I love those Spartacus Moments, I can see him and his dimpled brain being crucified on election day
Crucified? Jesus Christ!
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