Saturday, 23 May 2009

New mayor and mayoress celebrate.

As you will no doubt be aware the PUN was unable to bring you coverage of the mayor making and subsequent parade (I know how disappointed you must be) but fear not: Harbinger is indebted to a very kind reader who modestly wishes to remain anonymous for the following couple of pictures taken during the celebrations immediately after the parade.

Here Dave and Sylv toast their supporters with a well deserved drink

and here Dave shows his exuberance and pleasure at being elected once again.

We got a quick word with Dave on his way to Spar for some fags:
'I is like sweepin oop the world like. Could be Dannin Street fo me an' Sylv next innit! We's goina be in assisa parlimen yeah?'


Anonymous said...

In his acceptance blather Dave said
"Ripon fulfils a wide-variety of roles but first and foremost it is a market town and should be a focal point for its residents and the surrounding villages."
Wrong Dave. WAS a market town NOW a Supermarket town. All the visitors you will attract are the dumbo's who allowed it to become a Supermarket money swallowing centre, and where does the supermarket money end up? Not in Ripon. Get wise get out of their pockets.

Anonymous said...

And another old established business bites the dust this week.