Friday, 29 May 2009

Jesus Lives!

It’s a scary sight as it stands: a page and a half of mug shots of our prospective county councillors gurning into the camera in an attempt to appear sincere, trustworthy and in some cases indeed, sane! They’re all in the Ripon Gazette today: St Bernard, ‘Earringed’ Sid Hawke, ‘ZzzzzStockdale.
‘Mad’ Mackintosh is there and local crooner Andrew ‘Andy’ Williams manages to look at once oleaginous and psychopathic. Last and undoubtedly least comes Althea (No profile or picture supplied) Farmer who seems to have thrown in the blood reddened Labour towel before the first vote has been cast.
More worrying than the cirque communale is our unseemly haste to don the costumes of Tin Man, Scarecrow et al and skip down the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City of American political absurdity. When did religious fanaticism slink across the pond and worm its way into European politics?
Half a dozen candidates for European parliamentary election are hanging from the -Christian Party “Proclaiming Christ’s Lordship” – cross. Are there not enough fairy stories in politics already without introducing this nonsense into the arena? Never forget that their ‘Lord’ cast the money lenders from the temple, so let us hope we never have to rely on the Christian Party for a sound fiscal policy; we could find ourselves casting a fond look back at the ‘Broon’ years.
Still, now the temple is clear of money lenders there’ll be plenty of room for ‘Dave’s’ Parking Solution #1 – the lord works in mysterious ways!


Anonymous said...

I'm telling Jesus on you and he'll smite you with his rod.

Anonymous said...

That's not Jesus..... He's just a very naughty boy!

David said...

Interesting that you should use the word oleaginous in connection with the boy Williams - A friend of mine, who shall remain nameless, said that he was the reason the word oleaginous was coined!

Anonymous said...

"These are Pork Pies not to be confused with the Porky Pies you've been pushing on the square all morning."

Anonymous said...

South side of the Market Place, Lions, Christians, tickets sales phenomenal what!!!!.
Perhaps Edwin would stop ripping us off on the West side

Anonymous said...

Conservative, Democrat , Liberal, Stan does not seem to know what he is, but we know, a self seeking publicist whose window is an eyesore

Anonymous said...

Bernard Bateman, vote for me who ever I am Liberal Democrat, Oh no, I think I'll be Consevative, at the moment, do not know where I will end up, but it will be where I have the biggest chance of being famous.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Sid says I got 10 out of 10 for thickness at school ,vote for me, and I like hitting women ( that should be worth a few votes)

Anonymous said...

I hope Cllr Williams isn't in charge of the parking fees.

"To me, to you, to me, to me, to me"

Harbinger said...

To Anon who's post has been removed: It had the ring of truth about the crooner and made me laugh. I'm not in favour of censorship but nor do I want to alianate hard won readers. I'm sure you understand given the nature of your post.....Do you REALLY think that..........?

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, I've missed the removed post - why was it removed? I am soooooo interested nooooooh. Harbinger, you MUST explain why you have removed it. I thought you were for freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

Someone, today, in my presence, thanked god for the sunshine - what's that about? What was he doing flooding some people's homes elsewhere a few days ago?

Brownixpi said...

Bernard Bateman, vote for me who ever I am Liberal Democrat, Oh no, I think I'll be Consevative, at the moment, do not know where I will end up, but it will be where I have the biggest chance of being famous.