The Champ' In Buoyant Mood After The Fight.
It came as no surprise to most that when it came to the final rounds, the challenger ‘Mad’ Mackintosh was found wanting. Lacking the experience of seasoned campaigner St Bernard, he punched himself out in the early stages, putting all his faith in the knockout ‘official complaint’. When this failed to materialise it was only a matter of time.
After the eleventh round knock down ‘Mad’ retired to his corner; some say the referee should have stopped it there, but Mad came out again for the twelfth.
The leaflets flew backwards and forwards but only those of the champion carried any real conviction and weight, St Bernard was a man possessed. ‘Skidders’ roared encouragement and instructions from the corner, Mrs St B. threw brickbats from ringside but there was really no need; the knockout blow when it came, was devastating......
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My colleague managed to catch up with coach ‘Skidders’ after the fight: 
Interviewer: ‘Skidders’, how do you read the later rounds?’
Skidders, ‘It was all over surprisin’ quick. My boy was hall over im, ee didn’t stand a chance’.
Interviewer: ‘And what’s next for the champ?’
Skidders: ‘Eees goin’ to ave an hoperation, then the world is is hoister.’
Interviewer: ‘When he woke up, the challenger was talking of a re-match, would you consider it?’
Skidders: ‘My boy as nuffin to prove, ees the reignin champ, but if ‘Mad’s’ still haround in four years; whell, whe’d ave to see….’
Interviewer: Skidders, thank you’.